ACWA, Rivers Without Borders, and LCC Complaint - PRESS RELEASE

ACWA, Rivers Without Borders, and LCC Complaint - PRESS RELEASE

Three Alaska conservation organizations filed a complaint this week with securities regulators in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia alleging statements from Constantine Metal Resources Ltd. (CMR) in regard to its Palmer project, located on a tributary of the Chilkat River near Haines, Alaska and the Tlingit village of Klukwan, are not “full, true and plain” and leave out material information, thus violating securities regulations.

Curtain Opens on DOWA and the Palmer Project

Curtain Opens on DOWA and the Palmer Project

For more than a decade, Constantine Metals Resources (CMR) has played a public relations game with the communities of Haines and Klukwan, posing as a caring, controlling interest in the proposed copper-zinc mine known as the Palmer Project. The goal was to convince us that the company’s concern for the Chilkat River Watershed and our rivers, fish, eagles, and our way of life would guide the development of the mine and protect everyone’s interests into the distant future.